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Writer's pictureKylen Mcclintock

Charity Finder GPT

Vision: Improve effectiveness of charitable contributions through identification of most impactful and innovative charities that align with your values and via transparent direct donations.

Civilizational Problem: Global challenges like poverty, environmental degradation, and inequality persist, in large part because capital fails to flow to the channels where it can be most effective.

Consumer Problem: Donors often struggle to identify trustworthy, efficient, and impactful charities aligned with their values and desired impact areas. A lack of connection and feeling of agency constrains what people are willing to donate.

Consumer Product Solution: Charity Finder GPT assists donors by curating a personalized list of innovative and transparent charities addressing underrepresented issues. By providing detailed, up-to-date information on each charity's mission, efficiency, and impact, this tool simplifies the decision-making process, enabling users to make confident and meaningful donations. Users can adjust filters for their preferences, for instance.

Future Product Roadmap:

  1. Affiliate commission (Matching funds) for donating to non-profits: Example, instead of an article about a good vacuum cleaner with purchase links, its an article about lack of clean water in Ethiopia with a link to donate to the most relevant water charities in the region.

  2. Fund Tracking: Track the exact flow of your funds via the blockchain to witness how they directly help the community

  3. Emotional connection to the impact: donation receivers are prompted to soon after they use the funds to upload a short video to be watched by the donors.

AGI Future: Leverage the deep understanding that your personalized AI possesses about your values to proactively recommend how you can help create a positive impact when its most contextually relevant. i.e. when you just finished a related movie and during a natural disaster. With knowledge of your specific skill set your personalized AI can negotiate unique ways you can provide service such as small business mentoring or packaging up in demand household items you don't need anymore. These direct acts of service are more true to what you can uniquely provide and thus fulfilling than a fungible monetary donation.

Hyper realistic first person point of view into the predicament of those in need would radically increase empathy for their situation and and in parallel increase donation levels.

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